My hair is one year old today, if you scroll around on my site you'll see my changes in my hair. I decided to go to locks one year ago. I saw someone on the 16th street mall today and she let me know she liked my hair but never could do it because she so afraid. She wanted to know if I did it myself (no never always go to a certified loctician) did I do alot with it (well I separate them after every washing - which is one to twice a week - I'm a fanatic) and what do I do to make them curly (i curl them with soft spikes small size but I'm going to have to get bigger ones in about six months).

When I first got my sisterlocks I wanted to cry because I thought it looked like little snakes all around sharp and twisted (because of the old perm) and so small and not filled in and so many parts and I wanted to wear a bandana. So different from me using my soft spikes and letting them set (I have tried using very little heat curlers on them and that is not good) and going right to work. Some days I just spritz it with water and rosemary essential oils (i have two bottles one at home one at work). I love keeping my hair moist from time to time. Not drenched like jeri curls but wetting and go to keep the pointers behaving.
Its getting odd I have locks in my eyes when the wind blows them and it scares me when I'm driving. I get them caught in my earrings because their falling just below my ears now. I feel a little bit on my neck which is ever so lovely and I like braiding them and letting them loose to be wild. I love it when people touch them. I can't wait to tell people about them when they ask. But my question is always this, women come up to me and say I want my hair to look like that but I'm just afraid. Afraid of what I wonder? The committment, the freedom from pressing comes and smelling like grease and oils and waxes? I haven't had anything but soap and water in my hair for over a year and ya know what? It hasn't fallen out. Do I some times want longer hair - yup but I know that my hair grows six inches per year and next year it will be around 10 - 12 inches long - yep 10 -12 inches long that's crazy for me. How do I know this because if you leave your hair alone it grows it can't help it. I also know because when I started I had 1 1/2 inches of coiled hair plus 2 - 3 inches of permed hair and not its almost 4.5 and that's with locking and using the tool and cutting out all of the permed hair. Hmm I wish I would've made the decision sooner. It hasn't cost me a job or a promotion or love in my life (if any hair style did I wouldn't want it). My sister and nephew both have theirs done too which only makes me happier. Yeah anniversary :)
Happy Anniversary!!! Doesn't a year go by so fast??!!!
I constantly hear black women state they are afraid to go natural or lock. Initially I was blinded by my adoration for natural and locked hair.
Many women don't want to deal with the stereotypes associated with having natural hair or locks. And there are those who just don't like change. To go from shoulder length straight hair to 1.5 inches is a dramatic change, and let's not forget many women don't even know the texture of their own hair....
When I think back to the reactions I got from going natural, dispelling I would be getting locked, and actually getting locked, it's a bit understandable why some would be afraid.
In the end the decision must be made for oneself....
Let me tell you, my Sister, you are my "SHE-RO." When I got my test locks, I said to myself that they are SKINNNNNY!!! But I liked it. So much that I showed them (only 2) to anyone who would look. But all of the blogs that I saw contained women who had at least 3 inches of hair and healthy hair to boot. My hair is thin, short, and damaged. Although now it is natural (no chemicals). Your website has encouraged me to do a blog site myself for those sisters out there who have that soft, babysit, short hair that they have been trying to cover up for so long. I feel so free, even just thinking about tomorrow. That is when my Sisterlocks will be born. Thank God for our wonder Dr. who started this entire thing. But I want to tell you that I have printed out your first loc picture (because that's how I will look) and I've printed out your anniversary picture. Knowing that my hair will soon look like that. WHAT A BLESSING!!!! Just keep doing what you are doing, because I am only one year behind you. Luv You, My Sista !!!!
I agree completely, keep up the faith and have patience like never before - my friend Valerie said this and its never been more true. Once I got locks I started eating healthier, exercising more, drinking more water and wanting to work more on my life and improving myself. Locks have been the catapult for me to expand my horizons. Don't worry about the thinness it will go away or you can always marry them together. I had to do this because my loctician made them a little small for me. Write me for encouragement and I will do the same for you! Go sister and be free to be yourself! :)
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