This has been a crazy year! I am learning more about myself and more importantly about my life and why I love it so much. Steph through me a birthday party for my 37th. I can't believe I'm this old! Ha ha! My life has changed quite a bit. Last year I was thinking about leaving the State, had formed some close relationships at my job that I thought would never be broken and started dating Steph (not shown to the right - that's my best friend Christine). Anyway, now its a year later. I've found that I had to get rid of my myspace to avoid drama at the office, lost most of "close" friends at work and am now pretty much a loner except for spending time with Marlo. I'm the manager of the group now which means - you know - you have no friends any more at all. But that's okay because I have a great support system at my home with Steph, Shary, Shelley, Renee, Shawn, Kaye and Martell :)
My sis
and nephew both have their hair did in locks now (Shelley did hers about a month after mine). She's now thinking about becoming certified.
My daughter is wearing her hair all natural which is wonderful cuz she looks so cute! (my sis is to the right with her man Norman)
I don't think about my hair much but my hands are constantly in it. From time to time I want it to grow grow grow faster and faster. Just the other day I was helping Maria move and had to take hair out of my eyes! I couldn't believe it, my own hair from my crazy sides was in my eyes. Wow. That hasn't happened in forever. Not that I can remember unless I'm thinking when I was a kid. Try to blog sooner but really its getting crazy at work and there's not much to say so far.